About This Blog

Mindfulness – Plain & Simple

Hello and thank you for checking us out!

If you’re looking to learn about mindfulness from a source that gets right to the point in plain, easy-to-understand language and offers lessons that can be put to immediate use and benefit, then you’ve come to the right spot!

Hi, my name is Rob and I’ve been a student of mindfulness since 1999. Over the years I’ve read hundreds of books, articles, and scientific papers about the practice of mindfulness and the science behind it.

I believe there are a few things that make this blog, and the practice of mindfulness, worthy of your valuable time:

  1. As referenced in the section, “A Little Bit About Me!”, I am a very sceptical individual who demands proof. For me, the proof of mindfulness came in the form of direct personal benefit. Simply put, it works – my life, and who I am as a person, are both materially better from it. And if it helped me, I know it can help you too.
  2. Beyond studying mindfulness extensively, I have spent thousands of hours deeply pondering these materials for real life application. It is this breadth and depth of knowledge along with direct personal experience that I will be sharing in this blog.
  3. If you attempt on your own to learn mindfulness from the ground up you will likely become quickly overwhelmed – the topic is vast and the amount of information out there even more so. Perhaps due to being on the mild end of the autism spectrum, I was born with a gift for being able to spot patterns that others often miss. In this blog I have put this gift to use for your benefit, using it to condense mindfulness down to a workable number of core teachings and practices.

So, welcome! I hope this blog proves to be of material benefit, bringing you a life filled with peace, joy, compassion, and wisdom!

Warmest wishes,

Rob @ Living a Mindful Life

P.S. The photos I use throughout my blog are my own (except where specifically credited). If you enjoy them, please feel free to check out more on my Flickr site!