Privacy Policy

“Living A Mindful Life” is, and always will be, an information-only site, ad-free and marketing-free.

As a result, we do not share your personal information with third-parties.

In addition, we do not store information about your visit to our blog other than through the use of cookies, this to permit us to analyze the success of our content in reaching as wide an audience as possible.

You are, of course, free to turn off the use of cookies at any time simply by modifying your internet browser’s settings.

Please note that we are not responsible for the re-publishing of our blog content on other Web sites or media which have not obtained our prior permission. 

Lastly, while this privacy policy is subject to change without notice, we have no plans to do so any time soon!

Warmest wishes,

Rob @ Living a Mindful Life

P.S. For educational purposes I periodically reference other sites, some of which may be commercial enterprises such as Amazon for books or the Bodhisattva Trading Company for singing bowls. As per my promise above, I do not and will not have commercial ties to any of these sites but have used their services and found them to be worthy of my business. You may use them as you see fit.