Suggested Reading

In no particular order, here are some of the books, articles, videos, apps, and courses that I have found particularly helpful for bringing meaning to the concept of mindfulness and for putting into context what it actually means to “live a good life”:

  1. Mindfulness – A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World – Mark Williams / Danny Penman (about mindfulness and meditation)
  2. Wherever You Go, There You Are – Jon Kabat-Zinn (about mindfulness and meditation)
  3. Slowing Down to the Speed of Life – Richard Carlson / Joseph Bailey (about the power our thinking has over how we feel)
  4. When Things Fall Apart – Pema Chodron (about mindfulness and meditation in difficult times)
  5. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle (about the benefits of living in the present moment)
  6. The Enlightened Gardener – Sydney Banks (about the power our thinking has over how we feel)
  7. You Can be Happy No Matter What – Richard Carlson (about the power our thinking has over how we feel)
  8. Buddhism Plain and Simple – Steve Hagen (about some of the core teachings of mindfulness)
  9. The Wise Heart – Jack Kornfield (about some of the core teachings of mindfulness with a focus on wisdom)
  10. Mindfulness in Plain English – Bhante Gunaratana (about mindfulness and meditation)
  11. Choosing Civility – P.M. Forni (about choosing to overcome our base human traits)
  12. The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz (ancient Mexican wisdom for leading a life of peace)
  13. Mindfulness on the Go – Jan Chozen Bays (informal mindfulness practices and how they apply to key mindfulness teachings)
  14. Why Meditate? – Matthieu Ricard (a meditation primer plus clearly-presented insights into mindful wisdom)
  15. Incognito – The Secret Lives of the Brain – Dr. David Eagleman (essential background to understanding the often counter-intuitive workings of our brain and the irrefutable argument behind extending compassion to all, always).
  16. Free Will – Sam Harris (further argument for the rationale behind extending compassion to all, always)
Speech Transcript
  1. This is Water – David Foster Wallace (transcript of his 2005 commencement address to Kenyon College students on the topic of choosing how to think)
Mindfulness Courses
  1. Mindfulness Daily – Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach through the company, “Sounds True” (a low-cost compilation of forty teachings on mindfulness followed by short meditation sessions, each segment being about twelve minutes long)
  1. The Three Principles – Judy Sedgeman (focused on the simple, but key, observation that it is not our external circumstances that dictate how we feel but, rather, what we choose to think about those circumstances that does)
  2. Jack Kornfield – Jack Kornfield (articles and podcasts focusing on mindfulness and wisdom)
Music – Meditative
  1. 108 Sacred Names of Mother Divine – Craig Pruess & Ananda (sacred Sanskrit chants)
  2. Moola Mantra – Deva Premal

Warmest wishes,

Rob @ Living a Mindful Life